Title:Daisy Jones & The Six

Author: Taylor Jenkins Reid

Pub. Date: March 5th. 2019

Genre: Fiction/Historical Fiction

Publisher: Ballantine Books

Pages: 368


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I found myself like many others who really enjoyed this story, finding it hard to believe that this band wasn’t real. I satisfied my need for it to materialize by listening instead to the Spotify Playlist created by Taylor Jenkins Reid as inspiration while writing this treasure of a book. Set against the backdrop of the 60’s/70’s when sex, drugs, and Rock n’ Roll was a huge part of American culture, we  get introduced to this fictional band. Told in interview format, we get the story of how this band came together and eventually how they came apart. How Daisy met the six bandmates & the music they went on to create while also getting bits & pieces of actual historical events taking place around this time period. I was immediately swept away by each of these characters lives, their wins & losses. We get what I believe to be one of the BEST EPIC love triangles in Fiction that left me all in my feels days after I’d read the last page. We also get not 1 but 3 feminist AF characters that will leave you feeling empowered every time they walk off the page. TJR explored some hard hitting themes like drug addiction, substance abuse & abortion relevant to this time period without actually glamorizing any of it. These bandmates are a family I got to intimately know, making this a story I was truly invested in from start to finish.

Content Warning: substance abuse, abortion, addiction, cheating

Whenever I think back to my experience with this book, the characters are what come to mind first. Wonderfully fleshed out, complex, raw, and unapologetic these characters feel authentic. Of course I have my favorites but they all brought their unique voice to the story. Daisy Jones is a character who from a very early age was left to her own devices by her parents & as a result prematurely discovered the L.A. night life. Known for her free spirited personality & strikingly beautiful blue eyes, Daisy quickly became sort of an icon. Daisy is a beautifully broken character you can’t help but love. There was no taming anyone could impose on Daisy who has a take it or leave it attitude. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE Daisy Jones! as destructive as she could be at times, she still had a limit which made me appreciate her all the more. Billy Dunne who is the lead singer & star of the show (before Daisy came along) is a character I had a love/hate relationship with. Billy is used to getting his way & being the main attraction. This at times can get frustrating & we see power struggles at play between bandmates. What I loved about Billy however, was his love for Camila who is sort of the unofficial bandmate. Billy struggles with his demons (alcohol & women) & is far from perfect but he so desperately wants to be THAT guy for Camila, the one he thinks she deserves.

“Love is forgiveness and patience and faith and every once in a while, it’s a gut punch. That’s why it’s a dangerous thing, when you go loving the wrong person. When you love somebody who doesn’t deserve it. You have to be with someone that deserves your faith and you have to be deserving of someone else’s. It’s sacred” 

Camila Martinez better known as the glue that keeps this band together is hands down my FAVORITE character in this book. A LATINX feminist who loves unconditionally & never gives up on those she loves.  Camila is legit the definition of strength, she believes whole heartedly in the love she shares with Billy but she isn’t blind to the reality of their situation. Some of my favorite scenes featured Camila and every time I placed myself in her shoes my heart ached.

Karen is the one deeply understated character who had a ton of depth. Married to her musical career, she doesn’t see herself settling down to start a family anytime soon. Perhaps the most feminist character in this book, Karen is way ahead of her times making her role all the more important.

I truly loved everything about this cast of characters so much so that I can’t get them out of my head. I fell deeply in love with this story & each of its characters, returning for a re-read is inevitable!

My very first Taylor Jenkins Reid novel & I can honestly say I was left blown away! I read a physical copy & really enjoyed the interview format used to narrate this story however, some have found this to take away from their enjoyment of the story. I am currently listening to the audiobook version & HIGHLY reccomend to those who couldn’t get into this story in physical format. The full cast of characters production has brought this story to life in a whole new way & I am LOVING it! the writing brought the 60’s/70’s to life & I felt as if I was standing on the Sunset Strip watching a young Daisy find her way into bars/clubs. Lastly, the inclusion of the songs written by Billy & Daisy is BRILLIANT! not only are they well crafted songs but they ignite the raw emotion that was being felt between the characters stuck in this love triangle. I may have just found my new favorite author & will most definitely continue to read TJR published books as well as anything written in the future.


Instagram: @LairOfBooks

Twitter: @LairOfBooks

Goodreads: LairOfBook

Author: LairOfBooks

"I didn't choose the Book Life, the Book Life chose me"


    1. Oh Sofii I LOVED it so much! the audiobook is just as amazing if not more, it really is bringing these characters to life for me. Thank you! & I do hope you end up enjoying this one when you get around to it 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I agree with every single thing you wrote. After I finished the book I foud myself searching for The Six in Spotify because that’s how real these characters feel. I finished it last month and I still can’t stop thinking about this story in the daily.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ok! so now I don’t feel so alone! I can’t stop thinking about this book either & its only been 2 weeks but I can already tell it will have a forever home in my <3! I still listen to that playlist cause it reminds me of my reading experience haha! I hope it get the series adaptation it deserves, I know I'll be watching 🙂

      Happy Reading! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I completely agree with you about Karen. I found that the things she said, and the way that she remembered things was my go to when debating what actually happened. In short, I trusted her, and her word more than others. She was was before her time, and truly the most feminist of the bunch.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes!!! I didn’t even think of this but you have a valid point! She def was the most reliable source in the bunch. She was for sure before her time which I thought added some depth to the book on the feminist front 🙌🏼 I’m so glad you enjoyed the read ☺️💕


  3. Great review! I absolutely loved this book as well! The characters were all so interesting!
    I went the audiobook and it fits the format of the book so well!


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  4. Yay!!! So happy to see you loved this one. The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo was my favorite book last year, so I’m dying to read it. I have a feeling you’ll love that one too. I think many people that read Evelyn Hugo first were disappointed with this one because it is a completely different writing style. I don’t think I’ll have any issues with it though. I can’t wait to read it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Amanda! I went in with low expectations at first after hearing so many mixed reviews. Many being disappointed it not being like Evelyn Hugo. Purposely chose to start here cause I figured EH is going to be a def sure hit in my corner. Glad that I ended up loving Daisy to pieces 😆 hope you also enjoy the read 💓


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