First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros: Defy the Stars by Claudia Gray

Every Tuesday, Diane over at Bibliophile By the Sea hosts First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros, where bloggers share the first paragraph of the book they are currently reading or thinking about reading soon.

Last night I finished Red Sister by Mark Lawrence a PHENOMENAL Adult Fantasy that i’m going to need a couple days to digest before I can write a worthy review. Today, instead of allowing myself to fall into the book hangover that is lingering on the fringes of my bookworm brain..I decided to take the plunge & start Defy the Stars. I am really hoping this one is just as good cuz ya girl just realized this one is 512 pages long, YIKES! haha! wish me luck my bookish peeps, i want to love it but after Red Sister the bar is set high & I’ll settle for like…i’ll take like! *ya hear me Book Gods?!?!*

*Defy The Stars by Claudia Gray will go on sale April 4th 2017

Goodreads Blurb

Noemi Vidal is a teen soldier from the planet Genesis, once a colony of Earth that’s now at war for its independence. The humans of Genesis have fought Earth’s robotic “mech” armies for decades with no end in sight.

After a surprise attack, Noemi finds herself stranded in space on an abandoned ship where she meets Abel, the most sophisticated mech prototype ever made. One who should be her enemy. But Abel’s programming forces him to obey Noemi as his commander, which means he has to help her save Genesis–even though her plan to win the war will kill him.

Together they embark on a daring voyage through the galaxy. Before long, Noemi begins to realize Abel may be more than a machine, and, for his part, Abel’s devotion to Noemi is no longer just a matter of programming.

First Chapter/First Paragraph

In three weeks, Noemi Vidal will Die–here, In This very place. Today is just practice. Noemi wants to pray like the other soldiers she hears around her. The soft ebb and swell of their whispers sounds like waves against the shore. Zero-G even makes it look as if they’re underwater- their hair fanning out from their heads, their booted feet swaying out from their launch harnesses as if caught by the tide. Only the dark star field outside the few small windows reveals how far they are from home.

Confession: I am really still NOT over Gemina & my little heart was crushed last October at Bookcon when I arrived late at the booth for a free arc of this book. So, when I received the email notification giving this arc away on a first come first serve basis…I dropped everything I was doing & hopped on the dark vortex otherwise known as Netgalley. Hoping this one is a winner but i’ll def let ya’ll know if it’s not 😉

Author: LairOfBooks

"I didn't choose the Book Life, the Book Life chose me"

24 thoughts on “First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros: Defy the Stars by Claudia Gray”

    1. Baha! def not the book for you Drewski! but Red Sister left me with soooo many questions, valid ones I figure he’ll answer in the next book. Still, I had to pick something up quick cuz book hangovers for me last way too long LOL.

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  1. Oooh I hope you end up liking this! I’ve really enjoyed Claudia Gray’s writing in the past (well, in A Thousand Pieces of You at least – I think that’s the only one of hers that I’ve read). Hopefully it doesn’t drag too much – 512 pages is pretty long!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hope so too Kourtni! *fingers crossed* haha! I’ve never ready anything by her but A Thousand Pieces of You has always caught mt interest so I’ll most likely pick that one up if I enjoy this one 😉 & yea 512 pgs is hefty, universe help me! lol

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      1. Oh man, you so need to read A Thousand Pieces of You! I absolutely adore that book. I just got the sequel at the library last week and can’t wait to read it. 😀


  2. I really hope you enjoy this book Lilly. I got an ARC from NetGalley as well and loved it. Although it was over 500 pages I sped through it, completely addicted to the story and the world and the characters.
    This has become one of my favourite sci-fi books and I really hope it ends up being one of yours as well. I’ll be looking forwards to seeing your review either way.
    Also really glad to see you loved Red Sister as well! 😀

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    1. Thanks Beth! It’s already proving to be a fast read, good to know it was a winner with you. I read some on my train ride to p/u the kids & now I’m going to read some on our car ride home. I’m getting the Illuminae vibes which is just what I needed. I’m going to have to start actively seeking out sci-fi more often 😉

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      1. That’s all right, and I guess the fact that’s it’s a fast read for you is a good thing right? I really do hope you enjoy the rest of it, and yeah I should probably try and seek out sci-fi books more often as well. Despite loving the genre I don’t really read that many books from it! 🙂


  3. I hope you end up enjoying this one, Lilly! I’ve been hearing some great things about it and am thinking I might have to add it to my TBR for this year (which is getting way too long, oops lol). I can’t wait to see what your thoughts are once you finish it! 😁💕

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    1. I’m obsessed with it Melissa! if you’ve read Illuminae + Gemina then you probably know the empty hole they left LOL! this book really does come close & I’m really enjoying the sci-fi elements. Hope you do give it a shot & enjoy it 😉

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      1. Yay! I’m glad to hear you’re enjoying it! 😁 I haven’t read Illuminae or Gemina yet but I plan to at some point this year, hopefully lol. And if I get the chance this will be another one I’ll have to try to make time for. I hope so too!! 😊


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