January Book Haul & Wrap-Up

Happy February Bookworms! I come to you with my belated January Wrap-up & Book Haul. In December I had decided to separate these post & enjoyed the outcome however, something MOST unprecedented occurred & no one is more surprised than myself!…I only purchased 1 book!!! yea I know, never have I ever practiced self control in the book buying department & can honestly say it wasn’t intentional which is probably the only reason why it worked out that way. I’m not good at book buying bans but my pockets did thank me in January for the break. I also think my reading had a big role to play in my inactive book buying. I was enjoying mostly everything I was reading & so every minute I had to spare saw me nose deep in my current read. I’d love to come on here & say I had an exciting month overall but tbh, January saw me hunker down at home. There wasn’t anything really exciting in the theater and all of my favorite tv shows returned lol so I got nice & cozy on my couch with my favorite blanket and bonded with my DVR. I did discover 1 new tv show I’m pretty much obsessed with but more on that at the end of this post 😉

I buddy read Iron Gold with my hubby & although he’s not yet finished, we share a lot of the same feelings about this 4th installment in the Red Rising Saga. We’re very happy to see Pierce Brown continue on with our beloved characters & after THAT ending…I need the next book like I need air (good thing it’s out in September). I will be posting a mini non-spoilery review some time this week for Iron Gold. Overall I am very happy with my January reading & hope for the same in the verrrrrrry short month of February *fingers crossed* 🙂

Love Hate and Other Filters by Samira Ahmed ★★★★★ (5 STARS)

Meet Cute by various authors ★★★★ (4 STARS)

The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert ★★1/2 (2.5 STARS)

The Dangerous Art of Blending In by Angelo Surmelis ★★★★ (4 STARS)

The Belles by Dhonielle Clayton ★★★★1/2 (4.5 STARS)

Iron Gold (Red Rising #4) by Pierce Brown ★★★★1/2 (4.5 STARS)

For more Bookish photos, click on the photo to follow LairOfBooks on Bookstagram

Iron Gold (Red Rising #4) | Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them | Saga Vol. 8

*Iron Gold & Fantastic Beasts were gifts from the hubby

Ace Of Shades | Everything Here Is Beautiful | Love Hate & Other Filters | Whisper of The Tide (Song of the Current #2)

Circe | To Kill A Kingdom | Sky In The Deep

January FairyLoot

For more Bookish photos, click on the photo to follow LairOfBooks on Bookstagram

The Cruel Prince (Folk of the Air #1) by Holly Black (My Spoiler-free review)

Book Of The Month

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As Bright As Heaven | A Gentleman In Moscow


On Chicago’s south side, an average day finds kids prepping for school as their parents head off to work, young adults trying to make a living, and the elders keeping an eye on things from their front porches. But in this tough neighborhood, real dangers threaten daily to squelch dreams, and the simplest decisions can have life or death consequences. From Emmy® winner Lena Waithe, The Chi is a timely coming-of-age drama series centered on a group of residents who become linked by coincidence but bonded by the need for connection and redemption. –Showtime Official

Thoughts so far…

I stumbled across a subway advertisement for this show & knew I’d be checking it out that weekend. It’s only about 4 episodes in so far & I can already say this will be one of my fave new series for 2018. Powerful & often times sobering, The Chi doesn’t hold back. Many of the dangers faced by the residents in this small Chicago neighborhood are more common than not. We follow different characters in their every day lives, they all vary in age and all are linked in one way or another. My favorite character is Kevin played by Alex Hibbert who is just a kid trying to stay out of trouble but trouble seems to always find him. Kevin is in school & we see him with his friends doing normal kid things. It’s when school’s out & he goes back to his neighborhood that we see why Kevin has a #survivalofthefittest mentality. More thoughts to come at the end of this first season 🙂

Hello Bookworms! hope you’re already off to a fab start in February 🙂 & that you’re already reading your next favorite book…I’m currently reading YA Sci-Fi Honor Among Thieves & gahhhhh! so damn good haha! What are you all reading? Sound off in the comments below <3’s!

Author: LairOfBooks

"I didn't choose the Book Life, the Book Life chose me"

35 thoughts on “January Book Haul & Wrap-Up”

  1. Lilly, I have to tell you that my pre-order of the belles is on its way, since I have been bothering you for AGES with this book, thought you’d like to know about it, hahaha 😛
    It seems like you had a lovely reading month, so happy for you! I have heard great things about To Kill a Kingdom so far, hope you’ll enjoy it 🙂
    Have a lovely February! xx

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    1. Marie! You have to see my smile @ the moment! I’m so happy for you & REALLLLLY hope you love it cause you’ve been so excited for its release 🙂 I have my fingers crossed for To Kill a Kingdom & hope to love it as much as others. Wishing you a wonderful February! 🙂

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  2. Part of me is amazed you only brought one book this month Lilly! But then again I think that my February is going to turn out the same way because there’s not much being released this month I have pre-ordered at the moment (also after Christmas all my money has already been spent on books!)
    It seems like you have a great reading month. I’m so glad to see you loved Iron Gold, and oh I can’t wait to get around to The Belles either. 🙂
    Also what did you think of your first Fairy Loot box!!! Did you love it? So far the themes they have for this year are incredible, and I have a feeling February’s and March’s boxes are going to be even better! 🙂
    Great recap, and I hope you have an incredible February as well. 🙂 ❤

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    1. Bahhhhha! I knew you’d understand & be amazed by this little miracle LOL! I had no clue I was saving myself some $$$ til I went to go gather my books for this post. I think February might play out the same way but who knows cause just this morning I was updating my Amazon wish list lol. Ugh Iron Gold! Can’t wait for the follow up later this year cause right now everything being in shambles is no good for my peace of mind lol. I hope you LOVE The Belles as much as I did, can’t wait to hear your thoughts on the beautiful world Clayton has spun up. I LOVED my first Fairyloot & couldn’t be more happier with the book pick as well! I know what the February book will be & although I wasn’t a huge fan, now that I know we are getting a follow-up book based on tales from the hinterland, I am glad to be getting a copy of the book. I’ve heard 2 guesses for the March box, one I love more than the other so we’ll see. I hear that March is also FL’s 2 year anniversary so maybe something extra special? a girl can hope lol. Thank you Beth & Happy reading! 🙂
      ❤ ❤ ❤

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      1. I kind of am amazed, but then again I guess the first month after Christmas is always a little slow right? At least that’s how it feels for me sometimes. February is definitely going to play out that way for me but I guess it just means I can save my money for all the books being released in March! 😀
        Oh I can’t wait either, but at least we don’t have too long to wait for Dark Age right? Based on what I’ve heard about The Belles I’m sure I will love it, I definitely can’t wait to get around to it. 🙂
        Yeah I know what the February book will be, and I’m still really excited just because there’s an exclusive cover and I love fairytales. I have one guess for the March box, not sure if I’ll be right but I really hope so because it sounds amazing, and yeah for their anniversary box I’m thinking there will be something a little special in there.
        That’s all right, and thanks Lilly! 🙂 ❤


      2. You have me sitting here curious about your guess for the March book pick smh LOL! but yea, I’m also hoping the February exclusive edition is amazing cause the original cover it’s STUNNING!*heart eyes* & Dark Age will probably be my excuse for a day off in September lol. Happy reading Beth! ❤ ❤ ❤ 🙂

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      3. I could be wrong 🙂 I like guessing and seeing how close I am (I had the right book for January and I’m like 99% sure I have the right book for February too!)
        Same here, I didn’t book the day off for Iron Gold but I may have to for Dark Age! 😀
        Thanks Lilly. 🙂 ❤


    1. Ohhh this happens to me often! 😂 as a matter of fact, I only found out about the existence of volume 8 through another bloggers haul. I put off reading 7 cause the wait for me so brutal and before I knew it, 8 was out so it was a must buy ☺️ Thank you! 💜

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  3. Iron Gold is a gorydamn work of art. I devoured that novel and like you, that ending left me DYING for the next book! How could Brown leave it like that?! Also, my copy of The Belles is arriving today and I’m soooo excited to start it!! Great reading month, Lilly!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha! I can’t deny that! hubby finished Iron Gold last night & that is all we manged to talk about til way after midnight LMAO! Theories a plenty smh. I am seriously going to use the release of Dark Age as a personal day in September cause I NEED TO KNOW WHAT NOW?!?! haha! Thanks Larkin, Happy reading! ❤ ❤ ❤

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  4. Ah! One book? Way better than me, but I managed a bit of self control also 😉 I always find it easier to do when I am on a good reading binge. Plus my goal this year is to really utilize our library. Those checkouts help funding 💕 So far, so good!

    Jealous that you get to buddy read with hubs haha. That will never happen here. Super excited about Hazel Wood and The Belles though – xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. yea I shocked myself with that & I’m reallllly trying to not start buying to compensate but that is how my mind works smh *for shame* I would do anything to have a wonderfully stocked library near me unfortunately one of the major downsides of living in NYC is that it’s much easier for Libraries to rent out their space than house books. So,my library is bare shelves & if I want a book I can request it but the wait time is deeeeeeep since the books are retrieved from the large central library in the city. I used to spend every weekend in the library as a kid, miss it so much!

      Hubby finished the book last night & wouldn’t let me read my current book (I finished our buddy read 1st lol) cause he wanted to run through theories for the follow-up in September smh LOL! I have a little stack of books I’ve been compiling on my desk for you which is why i haven’t shipped out yet…will send you photo tonight so you can nay/yay the ones you’d like 😉


  5. I seriously need to read the rest of the Saga graphic novels. I read the first one, loved it, and bought the next two but haven’t read them yet. I am making it a point to read and buy them all this year, haha. I also just seen that this month there are Funko Pops coming out for Saga!!

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    1. CONFESSION: I have yet to read volume 7 for what I felt was a very good reason LOL! I had heard it was heartbreaking & I love reading the trades so I knew the wait would be brutal & I just couldn’t do it to myself haha! whelp before I knew it, 8 was out & I didn’t notice so now I have the special treat of reading 2 volumes & this makes me VERY happy 🙂 &&& what is this about Saga Funkos? I had no idea but now it’s all I’m going to be thinking about Ashley! smh 😉

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  6. Great Wrap-up! You really had a great bookish month! I love your haul! I’m so excited for Ace of Shades, Whisper in the Tides, Sky In The deep, and To Kill A Kingdom. I haven’t read The Belles yet but i’m hoping to pick it up very soon. Anyways, I hope you have a wonderful February and Happy Reading! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Raven! ❤ There are some exciting March reads coming up & those are just a few I'm excited for. I hope you enjoy The Belles as much as I did, the world building was so beautiful! *heart eyes* Wishing you a FAB February! happy reading <3! 🙂

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    1. That’s ok, not every book will be a hit 😉 I do think I may have better luck with the Sequel Tales of the Hinterland since it probably will have more of what I was looking for in The Hazel Wood *fingers crossed* Wishing you a FAB February! ❤ ❤ ❤

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  7. Yay for having a great month, Lilly 🌸 (and for only buying one book). I’ve not read Saga yet but I heard it’s really good, I’m a bit hesitant as I’ve not read a graphic novel before and I’m scared I might not enjoy it 😊

    I have Love, Hate & Other Filters on my TBR so I’m glad that you really liked it. I’m currently busy reading The Hazel Wood and it’s okay so far, why did you not enjoy it that much?

    Hope you have a lovely February 🌸

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Michelle! ❤ I'd only recommend Saga to those who enjoy a good space opera because it's def the odd ball among graphic novels lol. I hope you enjoy Love, Hate & Other Filters when you get around to it 🙂 my expectations for The Hazel Wood weren't high at all, I really did think however that we were getting a dark fairy-tale(s) . Pacing was one of the issues I had, we only arrive at the Hinterland around the 60% mark, for the most part it read as a contemporary to myself. i also couldn't find anything I liked about the MC, and I REALLY tried. I fell asleep while reading THW a total of 4 times *sobs* but there are some things I really did enjoy. The tales from the Hinterland is actually the title for the follow-up & I have a good feeling about it so we'll see *fingers crossed* I hope you enjoy your reading experience, I'm curious to see what you think about it, I have some blogger buddies who REALLY loved it & it's always interesting to get diff perspectives 🙂

      Happy reading! ❤ ❤ ❤

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      1. Thanks so much 🌸
        I’ve heard that it takes place in space, that is a bit out of my comfort zone, but I am trying to expand my reading so maybe I’ll just buy volume 1 and see how I like it!

        I totally get what you’re saying about The Hazel Wood, I am about 70% in and I have also fallen asleep a couple of times too! I was also a bit confused by the writing, sometimes it managed to grasp my attention and other times I was just a bit lost. I’m happy to hear that the next one will most probably more Fantasy orientated.

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      2. It’s def one of those that isn’t for everyone so I wouldn’t feel bad If I were you, it’s a hate it or love it type of GN. There’s a lot of odd nudity though, you’ve been warned lol.

        & Yea you are NOT alone with The Hazel Wood. I barely ever give my books a 2.5 star rating but I had to. Tough review to write but afterwards I found so many others who had similar reading experiences with it so yea lol. I’m hoping we get more hinterland & dark tales in the next one…it is titled Tales of the Hinterland lol 🙂

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  8. What a fantastic reading month, despite some disappointment with The Hazel Wood. I’m insanely jealous that you are able to buddy read with your husband. I’d love for my non-reader husband to pick up a book lol I’m happy to hear you both love the Red Rising series.

    What do you think about the illustrated version of Fantastic Beasts? Is it worth the buy to add to my HP collection? I bought it for my niece for Christmas, but didn’t get the chance to skim through it to see if I wanted to purchase for myself..

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    1. Thanks Amanda! I have no complaints, the year has started off well with my book choosing/reading. & yeah I’m giving The Hazel Wood’s follow-up the benefit of teh doubt. That last portion of THW showed such real promise for wonderfully dark fairy tale telling lol. I met hubby at work (I know for shame lol) 10 years ago…I walked in on my first day with a copy of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and he was reading Deathly Hallows LOL! for a week we went back & forth in this dance of “no spoilers please” 🙂

      I think Fantastic Beasts is GORGEOUS! not sure if I would sit there & read all of the beasts Bio’s but it’s nice to have in the collection 😉


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