Rapid Fire Book Tag

Thank you Drew over at The Tattooed Book Geek for tagging me on this. If you’re not familiar with Drew’s blog, head on over but be warned, all of his posts are filled with humor guaranteed to make you look quite crazy if read in public places.


Tag Questions:


E-Book or Physical Book?

Physical book, I started my own little library at home & enjoy staring at my shelves for unusually long minutes at a time. I do however read e-books for my more lengthier reads (usually Fantasy/Sci-Fi) because if I want to finish a 700 page book, it’s gonna have to be at night while my tiny humans are asleep. Also saves my pages from humidity & sogginess when i’m hiding from said tiny humans in the bathroom (it has to be daddy’s turn some time hehe).

Paperback or Hardback?

Hardback, I can’t even look at a broken spine w/out wincing. In the 3rd grade I scored my 1st “job” working in the school library. Part of my duties were binding up damaged spines with thick colored tape…it was the saddest job ever & this includes my stint working in a pharmacy.

Online or In-Store Book Shopping?

In-store. I love EVERYTHING about the experience from the moment I step foot through those doors. The book smell, new releases front & center, the book lovers quietly browsing, member’s coupons combined with 30% off in store deals (this gal knows what she’s doing lol), and the high I get from walking out with a new book & bookmark in hand smh. I also order online & take advantage of some amazing deals/steals, but nothing quite feels the same as a book store for me.

Trilogies or Series?

Series. Unfortunately I haven’t found many trilogies that left me truly satisfied (exception: Red Rising trilogy). As long as the books being put out are good then I don’t mind continuing.

Heroes or Villains?

I always choose anti-hero (sorry Drew lol). There’s something about a potty mouthed, sarcastic, loner of a anti-hero that I’m always rooting for. I don’t see myself filling the shoes of a hero but i’m not a fan of many villains either.


A book you want everyone to read?

The Immortal Life Of Henrietta Lacks By Rebecca Skloot

Henrietta’s story filled me with sorrow & appreciation. So many of the vaccines & scientific/medical advances were made off the cells in her body taken without her consent.

Henrietta Lacks

Goodreads synopsis:

Henrietta Lacks, as HeLa, is known to present-day scientists for her cells from cervical cancer. She was a poor Southern tobacco farmer who worked the same land as her slave ancestors, yet her cells were taken without her knowledge and still live decades after her death. Cells descended from her may weigh more than 50M metric tons.

HeLa cells were vital for developing the polio vaccine; uncovered secrets of cancer, viruses, and the atom bomb’s effects; helped lead to important advances like in vitro fertilization, cloning, and gene mapping; and have been bought and sold by the billions. Yet Henrietta Lacks was buried in an unmarked grave.

The journey starts in the “colored” ward of Johns Hopkins Hospital in the 1950s, her small, dying hometown of Clover, Virginia — wooden slave quarters, faith healings, and voodoo. Today are stark white laboratories with freezers full of HeLa cells, East Baltimore children and grandchildren live in obscurity, see no profits, and feel violated. The dark history of experimentation on African Americans helped lead to the birth of bioethics, and legal battles over whether we control the stuff we are made of.  

Recommend an underrated book?

Little Bee: A Novel by Chris Cleave

I can’t attach a synopsis for this book since the publishers didn’t want to give anything away about this story but I can promise you that it’s one worth picking up. On Amazon the following is listed for this book:

Little Bee


“We don’t want to tell you too much about this book. It is a truly special story and we don’t want to spoil it. Nevertheless, you need to know something, so we will just say this: It is extremely funny, but the African beach scene is horrific. The story starts there, but the book doesn’t. And it’s what happens afterward that is most important. Once you have read it, you’ll want to tell everyone about it. When you do, please don’t tell them what happens either. The magic is in how it unfolds.”

The last book you finished?

This Savage Song by Victoria Shchwab & it was DELICIOUSLY DARK! my review can be found here.

The Last Book You Bought?

It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover


Weirdest Thing You’ve Used as a Bookmark?

Nothing weird recently but while on maternity leave…a clean diaper…a pacifier clip…I mean the possibilities were endless.

Used Books: Yes or No?

I have a few, there’s a store nearby the hubby’s office that carries some used books in tip top shape (yea I said that lol). For the most part I don’t buy used books because my mild OCD would drive me nuts at a torn cover or cracked spine.

Top Three Favourite Genres?

Fantasy, YA, & Literary Fiction

Borrow or Buy?

Buy. I don’t borrow because although i’m great at returning, I have learned that others are NOT. So in order to prevent anyone from asking, I don’t ask to borrow anything myself 😉


Characters or Plot?

Characters. I think in my last tag I mentioned that characters make the story for me, they are the ones that remain after i’ve turned the last page. My current read has me wanting to leave the characters in the dust as I high tail it out of that fictional world -_-

Long or Short Books?

Long. I like tomes, as long as by the time I reach page 500+ you’ve gotten somewhere important in thy quest.

Long or Short Chapters?

Short, I get anxious when I don’t see an end chapter in the horizon lol.

Name The First Three Books You Think Of…

And I Darken by Kiersten White (soon to read anti-hero)

The Well of Ascension (Mistborn #2)…Need to read to catch up to hubby

The Lies of Lock Lamora…(thank you Drew, it’s now in my online shopping cart lol)

Books That Make You Laugh or Cry?

Laugh…PLEASE..put me in stitches!



Our World or Fictional Worlds?

Fictional. Take me awaaaaaaaaaaaY! Far Far awaaaaaaaaaaaY!

 Audiobooks: Yes or No?

Yes. I do audible especially for memoirs narrated by my favorite comedians & Neil Gaiman…cuz he has the perfect story telling voice…In my mind he is my uncle lol (don’t judge)

 Do You Ever Judge a Book by its Cover?

Ha! after I said don’t judge…HELL YEA! it’s the 1st thing we see, I am terribly vein with my books *shame* not with real life people though.

 Book to Movie or Book to TV Adaptations?

I agree with Drew, either or if it’s done well but I have also seen it go horribly wrong.

 A Movie or TV-Show You Preferred to its Book?

World War Z (sorry not sorry)

 Series or Standalone’s?

OooOo tough one! I like both, can’t choose one here *don’t make me*


I Tag:

Dee at The Bookish Khaleesi

TeacherofYA’s Book Blog

Stephanie at Between Folded Pages

Amanda at Hanging With Amanda

Beth at Reading Every Night

Melissa at BookNerdMomo



Author: LairOfBooks

"I didn't choose the Book Life, the Book Life chose me"

44 thoughts on “Rapid Fire Book Tag”

      1. Awesome answers! Drew is like the King Book Pusher, huh? I’ve bought 3 or 4 books so far because of him. 😂 I’m so with you on borrowing. I used to let friends borrow things and I either never got them back or they were returned damaged. I prefer to buy them new and not ask, like you said, this way no one is asking anyone to borrow. I guess I better get cracking on this tag.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Thank you😊💕 Lmao he has some really good recommendations, that I can’t deny! So far I have Lies of Lock Lamora & Poison City from Drew 👍🏼 I’ll be on the lookout for your post 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Doesn’t count. You already approved me on this post 😂 how we I will be visiting your blog today, there’s a review you posted if like to check out. Plz let me know if I’ve been placed in the trash after I comment 😉

        Liked by 1 person

  1. “In the 3rd grade I scored my 1st “job” working in the school library. Part of my duties were binding up damaged spines with thick colored tape…it was the saddest job ever”

    Omg. I wouldn’t be able to handle that 😱 You have my sympathies for the trauma you must still carry to this day lol

    Little Bee is sitting on my shelf as we speak. I picked it up during a thrift store book buying excursion and I know nothing about it… Now I’m curious!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks so much for the tag! I haven’t seen this one around before but it looks like a lot of fun. I’m ready thinking of my answers for some of these questions!
    I completely agree with you on a lot of points, especially the OCD when it comes to books. I can’t really buy used books, though I do have a few on my shelves, just because they need to be in perfect condition or as close to perfect as I can keep them! Though a few of my answers are different; for me it’s ebooks over physical and online shopping opposed to in store!
    Thanks again for the tag! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. ahhhh! How could I have missed your comment…then again WordPress has been hating me lately lol. This tag was tons of fun to complete, it was lengthy but had some good questions. Can’t wait to see your answers!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I feel like WordPress has been hating on me recently as well. The app on my phone crashed and I was unable to get into it again for the rest of the evening!
        It looks like a fun tag! And hopefully I’ll be able to get around to it soon as well! 😀


  3. Thank you so much for the tag! This one seems like it was fun and I really enjoyed reading your answers. 😃
    I’m so with you on characters and short chapters. I have to enjoy the characters to get into the story and when I don’t I find that I end up not finishing the book. As for short chapters I usually get so impatient when a chapter is long and I end up looking ahead for spoilers so short chapters curb that spoiler habit. 😂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yw💕it was def the most fun I’ve had completing a tag lol. Cheers to short chapters & awesome characters! I don’t know how you manage with spoilers though, once I’m spoiled, the book gets put down. One of the reasons I’m not a big user of tumblr 😂 Thank you & I’ll keep an eye out for your post 😊💕

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It depends on the book. Some books I put down but some I’m so into that spoilers or not I keep reading. Spoiling books for myself is my bad reading habit. Usually the only books I end up spoiling are Cassandra Clare ones though because I’m so into the book world and characters that I have to know what happens to some of them straight away every time a book is published 😂. You’re welcome! I try to get it done ASAP. ♥

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow, this was a very entertaining read, with really amazing answers. I can relate on many levels, I would choose book over e-book any single day (though it’s about time I get one, sometimes it’s very convenient), and the joys of walking into a book store is endless. This was such a wonderful read, and I loved the book suggestions: I really want to read The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. Great post 😃!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for reading my post! 😊💕 it was a fun tag to complete. I’ll never grow old or tired of walking into a bookstore. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks is to this day one of the most important books that I’ve read 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I read The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks a while back and thoroughly enjoyed it. Rebecca Skloot was the passageway for a story that was really already perfectly written. It really hit home for me because I was once a research technician and I’ve actually seen and worked with HeLa cells. So in essence, I’ve seen and worked with Mrs. Henrietta Lacks.

    Great post. Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree, the story was already perfectly written & I couldn’t have said it better myself. Your work sounds really interesting but I just don’t know how I’d feel working with her cells now knowing her story. Still very interesting but I can’t imagine how you felt working with what essentially is a piece of her 😢Thank you for stopping by! 💕 also, keep an eye out for the HBO movie coming this year based on the book. I’ll be spotlighting The Immortal Life Of Henrietta Lacks next Sunday along with the movie info 🙂


      1. Thanks so much for hipping me to the movie. I’ll be sure to tune it to your blog for that and any other post, really.

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