May Wrap-Up

This Month’s Wrap-Up comes to you very late & that’s honestly more because I’ve been going back & forth with the idea of eliminating my wrap-ups as a whole. I’ve been easing my way back in from a huge blogging slump and content has been on my mind a whole lot lately. Whelp! this is up mid June which means I decided to keep them but there will be some changes. I’ve been here for 2 years now and found that I really enjoy getting to know the bloggers behind the posts. I love reading a good wrap-up that gives me the 411 on the highlights some of my favorite bloggers experienced throughout the month. The bloggers who talk about the books they read, movies & tv watched, foods cooked/restaurants visited (extra lurking when baking is thrown in), travel, and anything really that gives me a better sense of the person behind the blog.

So I guess this means I’ll be sharing a little more of me on the blog on my Wrap-ups for now. This isn’t as easy as it sounds since I don’t really enjoy talking about me lol but sometimes breaking out of your comfort zones can be a good thing? this is what I’m going with haha! I’ve also been bitten by the travel bug which means future travel posts may be a thing as well. I hope you enjoy getting to know the bit of me that I do share here, especially since there are quite a few new bloggers subscribed. I’m looking forward to getting to know all of you so *exhale* onto this Wrap-up…

Bruja Born (Brooklyn Brujas #2)Ā (5 STARS) This sequel was EVERYTHING! finished it last week & it’s still on my mind. If by any chance you enjoyed Labyrinth Lost but it possibly didn’t blow you away…this is the sequel to do just that for you! not to mention the epic world expansion. Currently eyeing Zoraida’s Twitter for any kernel of news on book 3 smh šŸ™‚

Airports, Exes, and Other Things I’m OverĀ (4 STARS) Cute & fluffy were just what I needed when I picked this one up and it did its thing haha!

MIRAGE (5 STARS)Ā (Review to come next week)

Picture Us In The LightĀ (5 STARS) I was very happy to have been invited to participate in the blog tour for this poignant read! this is one that has something for everyone and leaves you with a little hope but not before breaking your heart šŸ˜‰

Nyxia: UnleashedĀ (5 STARS) the author of this book Scott Reintgen is fully aware of how badly I want that last book in this trilogy, I hide nothing about my love for these books! honestly, if you’re looking for an AMAZING YA Sci-Fi look no further! the diversity is strong, the action intense, plot full of twists, female characters empowered & respected…I can go on & on but only ask that you pick this one up and see for yourselves cause it is SOOOO worth it!

CORRUPT (Devil’s Night #1) (4 STARS)Ā I don’t really review NA on this blog but I think going forward I will leave some thoughts on Goodreads (link at the end of this post). I was recommended this book by my wonderful friend Melanie from MeltotheanyĀ & I’m now a full fledged Penelope Douglas fan! I will read anything she writes grocery list included bahhha! jk…not really smh. This is a very dark NA & there are a ton of trigger warnings Melanie lists on her review here. I will say this, if you’re looking for full fledged smut…this may not be the author for you lol. Douglas enjoys making her MC’s torture each other with epic long waiting/mind games but when it gets going it is A+ my friends! šŸ˜‰

The month of May let me squeeze in two flicks at the theater & those wereĀ Avengers: Infinity War & Deadpool 2.

Image result for Avengers: Infinity War

Ā Ā Ā Ā 

Infinity War did NOT disappoint & it was a fun time watching all of my favorites come together for this AMAZING movie! perhaps most surprising of all was the complexity & depth of the villain Thanos. I wasn’t expecting to enjoy his story line so much but I did & it made me really appreciate how that took the story to the next level. Of course there was some heartbreak along the way with some losses but I’m still very excited to see the next chapter cause THAT ending *raises eyebrow* haha!

Image result for Deadpool 2

Ā Ā Ā 

Not quite the 5 stars in my book & that came as a surprise cause I am a HUGE fan of Ryan Reynolds. The first Deadpool was effortlessly funny in my opinion but this one was laying it on to thick which made it seem to me as if they were trying to hard to keep up his rep for baddest mouth in the Marvel Universe. However, the second half was epic for many spoilery reasons so I’ll leave that out. I will say that I enjoyed the addition ofĀ Zazie Beetz as Domino andĀ Josh BrolinĀ as Cable (pictured above).Ā Also, THAT ending threw me for a whirlwind but then again I should’ve expected that from the MCU šŸ™‚

May was such a hectic month & reading 6 books was a feat cause my mind was in a million different places as was I hehe. Some of you may already know this, I am a mom of 2 tiny humans ages 4 & 7 and so that meant celebrating Mother’s Day was in the plans. I had this amazing breakfast cooked up my sister & hubby and some awesome gifts from said tiny humans and hubby. Had a wonderful dinner at this Japanese Steak place in Brooklyn called SALT + CHARCOAL. Their steak was AMAZING but I only ended up with a photo of their “green tea” cake which wasn’t my favorite at all but they put some effort into the presentation so…

I also came home to a package from hubby with the entire Mother’s Day LUSH collection which smells amazing & had some kick ass super hero bombs in it! I’m a scent LOVER & these all were the PERFECT gift that keeps on giving cause HELLO! ME TIME! baths + books = BEST LIFE!

The last week of May saw us take a road trip to Virginia to spend the holiday weekend with some family. Although I didn’t get to take pics cause we were having so much fun in the moment we all ditched our phones smh. I really do wish I had taken some photos of our bowling competition and trip to a sea side restaurant in the rain that was….interesting haha! I did however get a photo of my new haircut the day before we hit the road so I’ll just leave that down here…#shorthairdontcare

I’d like to say that the madness stopped in May but the very next weekend we got back from VA, there was BEA & Bookcon…

We are 6 days away from the first day of Summer & already life feels both lighter and busier all at the same time <3’s! I hope you’re all having an amazing month reading, watching, doing all of the lovely things! ā¤


Instagram:Ā @LairOfBooks

Twitter:Ā @LairOfBooks

Goodreads:Ā LairOfBook

Author: LairOfBooks

"I didn't choose the Book Life, the Book Life chose me"

31 thoughts on “May Wrap-Up”

  1. Oh my gosh, my favorite update in the world. I had to pause in a convention line to read! Hahah! So many good books and movies! Such cute little humans (and Lo) making sure you had a happy mother’s day because you are such an amazing mom, Lilly! AND you know I love your hair! Happy June and happy reading, love! šŸ’—xx


    1. Haha! right?!?! LUSH always makes me break my neck when I walk past their store smh, no way I can resist! Thank you, I hope you’re having a wonderful June! šŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œ


  2. Lovely wrap-up, Lily! I’m just like you – I’m not really fond of sharing a lot about myself, it’s just how I am, but I find out that I really like reading wrap-ups exactly like this one, where I get a better sense of who the blogger is, besides books obviously. So I’m also trying to do that in my monthly wrap-ups. All of this to say, I loved hearing more about your month besides books and I am so glad you had a wonderful mother’s day as well! šŸ˜€
    I’m eager to read Picture Us In The Light, this book sounds amazing, so glad you enjoyed it! šŸ™‚
    I hope you’re having a wonderful June xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Marie! I’m glad to hear you’ll be sharing a bit more of you on the blog, I just LOVE those posts the MOST! I think this is straight across the board for me now even with Booktube, I much rather prefer the vlogs. I’m excited to see you’re new wrap-ups and I’m also glad you enjoyed mine šŸ’œ Hope you enjoy Picture Us In The Light, it’s heavy on the soul and I’m so happy to have read it. Hope you enjoy it & that you’re having a wonderful June! šŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œ

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Mirage was SOOOO good Kelly! haha! its 1am and I’m actually supposed to be writing my review but I’m so tired its going to have to wait til’ tomorrow. I do however have all my notes ready smh haha! and just going over them made me fall in love with this story all over again! I really do hope you enjoy your reading of it & look forward to your thoughts šŸ’œ Thank you šŸ’“

      Liked by 1 person

  3. it’s really good to see that you enjoyed bruja born and mirage (i have an arc) i’m super excited to get to both of them!!! also totally relate to what you mean about wrap up posts — the wrap ups were people really put themselves into it are some of my all time favourite kinds of posts but i 100% understand that it’s not easy to open up about yourself. regardless, your wrap ups have ALWAYS been some of my favourite ā™„ it sounds like you had a super busy but amazing may. i hope the rest of june is kind for you!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You could NOT be in for a better treat Lauren! both reads were wonderful but I have a special place in my heart for Bruja Born! ughhhh Zoraida really went to work on this sequel and it’s just 10 times better than Labyrinth Lost which looking back was more of a 3.75 star read for me. eeeeK! šŸ™ˆ thank you so much, this means the world to me! I think its been so easy to just stick to format but after 2 years I’m comfortable enough to start sharing a bit of me besides the book you know? haha!šŸ’œMay was Nanas but everything is finally calming down & I’m looking forward to jumping back into the blog. Hope you’re having a wonderful June! šŸ’œ


      1. ahhh thatā€™s so good to hear šŸ’• and i did enjoy LL but at times the characters felt a bit flat so im super excited to see the growth in BB!!! and am ofc looking forward to seeing more of you in your future posts šŸ™ŒšŸ»


  4. I am all for more about you any day šŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œ I feel like we are so out of sync anymore with life and work! I cannot wait until you get some reprieve! And let me just say, the hair cut is smokin šŸ˜˜ Glad you were spoiled for Mother’s Day as it is very deserved. Call me soon! ƗƗ

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree! šŸ™ˆ*sobs* Summer as you can imagine is hectic with the tiny humans which is great but it also makes me miss the mellowness of the Fall at times haha! that being said, the cold lasted too long this past Fall so I’m trying to enjoy the upcoming Summer. Thank you Danielle! loved my long hair but this short hair is EVERYTHING to me! legit sometimes I wake up with ready to go hair and THAT’S the best! šŸ˜‚ We’ll definitely catch up soon šŸ’œ

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Great wrap-up! Looks like you had a great reading month! I’m so excited about Mirage! That book sounds amazing! I haven’t read Corrupt and Nyxia yet but they’re on my TBR! I’m glad to hear that you loved them!
    Hope you’re having a Wonderful June and Happy reading! šŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Raven! šŸ’œ I think you’ll enjoy Mirage, it was so good & didn’t even read like a debut! Corrupt was trademark Penelope Douglas & served its purpose šŸ˜‚ I enjoy all of her books, they make for great pallette cleansers when I’m looking for a change of genre. I’m seriously gonna need the 3rd book in the Nyxia trilogy though *sobs* smh! it’s one that I’ll keep pushing cause it’s sooooo worthy and under-hyped. I hope you’re having a wonderful June & happy reading! šŸ’œ

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Bree! it’s 1am and I’m going to bed soon but 1st! a trip to your blog cause the curiosity is KILLING me! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ see you there! šŸ’œ


  6. It seems like you had a very hectic May Lilly, but it seems really enjoyable as well so that’s something! šŸ˜€ Will you be posting about BEA and BookCon too, I’d love to read about your experiences there if you are?
    You got through some great books too, I really enjoyed the first book in the Brooklyn Brujas series so I’m glad the second one lived up to your expectations, and I have Airport, Exs, and Other Things I’m Over on my TBR list so hopefully I’ll be able to get around to that one soon myself. šŸ™‚ Also wasn’t Infinity War amazing? I’m so excited for Avengers 4 now! šŸ˜€
    Great post, and I hope you have a great June as well. šŸ™‚ ā¤


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