This Or That Book Tag

& I’m back with my tags! I have a few to catch up on over the next week so for those who tagged me last month, don’t be surprised if you see me pop up in your feed now 😉

Thank you Pierina Reads for tagging me!

This tag was created by Ayunda @ Tea And Paperbacks & this one is all about your reading preferences, thank you for creating this tag!

Here are the rules:

  • Mention the creator of the tag
  • Thank the blogger who tagged you!
  • Choose one of the options, you don’t have to tell the reasons why you chose that but you can also do them if you want to.
  • Tag 10 other people to do this tag to spread the love!


Reading on the couch or in the bed?

I remember when I used to LOVE reading in bed, then I acquired a husband & 2 tiny humans lol. Now, I alternate between reading on my commute to work & my bathtub. Most of my reading is done on my 1.5 hour ride to/from work & I even have instrumentals on my phone ready to block out all of my fellow New Yorker’s.


Male main character or Female main character?

So…ok…lol. I read another bloggers answer last night & commented on her post saying that I feel the same way. We agreed that our inner feminists were prob giving us the evil eye HAHA! I LOVE a strong female kick ass protagonist but I’ve mostly read male protagonists & really enjoyed them. It hasn’t been until recently that I started finding some of my most favorite female protagonists, mostly in YA Fantasy and can’t get enough of them!

Sweet Snacks Or Salty Snacks?

I’m not much of a snacker when I’m reading but there’s always that special night…IMG_1572

Trilogies Or Quartets?

Quartets Only if the the 3rd book was EVERYTHING & MORE! I’m greedy with my fictional characters.

First Person POV Or Third Person POV?

I enjoy a book with multiple POV’s especially when you get a big cast of characters you love. It’s like a special treat awaits me every time I start a new chapter & it’s my fave character’s POV.

Reading At Night Or In The Morning?

This is another habit that has changed for me, it used to be that I liked reading at night but now due to my life being re-arranged I actually enjoy my morning reading. Nights are reserved for my TV series.

Libraries Or Bookstores?

Bookstores ALL the way! besides the fact that my library exists only to deceive bookworms (Please see July Wrap up post for pics of my sad Library) LOL. I actually enjoy everything from seeing the new releases on their shelves to wandering from floor to floor inhaling my favorite smell in the world. Oh I get comfortable, Starbucks in one hand and B&N member’s coupons on the other…I make the most of these visits lol. Don’t even get me started on Strand Bookstore!


Books That Make You Laugh Or Books That Make You Cry?

Laugh…the more the better. I can appreciate a sad book every once in a while but if a book can make me laugh in the middle of a crowded NYC train, then it’s an instant fave.


Black Book Covers Or White Book Covers?

Hmmm…I really love the look of the U.K. white covers, so crisp & beautiful. Now if the question was about the page color, I would say BLACK!


Character Driven Or Plot Driven Stories?

Character. I love my character’s complex & love getting a ton of insight as to why they do the things they do. What drives them? In the end, I always fall in love with a good character & they are what remains after I read the last page.

I tag:



TeacherofYA’s Book Blog


In A Bookish World

A book Lover’s Corner

The Jouska

Kourtni Reads

