Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish! Each week, a new topic is put into place and bloggers share their top ten accordingly. This week was Top Ten Favorite Graphic Novels/Comics OR Ten Comics on My TBR or Top Ten Favorite Picture Books. I decided to go with my Top Ten Favorite Graphic Novels/Comics on My TBR:

*All photos will take you to their Goodreads page except for America by Gabby Rivera which is not yet on GR. However, I’ve linked the EW article announcing this new Comic by Marvel*

1.Saga Volume 7 by Brian K. Vaughan


2.Wires and Nerve Volume 1 (Wires and Nerve #1) by Marissa Meyer


3. Kindred: A Graphic Novel Adaptation by Octavia E. Butler


4. Black Panther by Ta-Nehisi Coates


5. Mockingbird: I Can Explain by Kate Niemczyck, Chelsea Cain


6. America by Gabby Rivera


7. Zodiac Starforce: By The Power Of Astra



8. Paper Girls by Brian K. Vaughan


9. Archie by Mark Said & Fiona Staples


10. Jughead


Which Graphic Novels/Comics are you all looking forward to in 2017? excited about any of the ones I’ve listed? Today is the release date for Wires & Nerve…anyone else heading to the bookstore after work/school? I know I am 😉





Author: LairOfBooks

"I didn't choose the Book Life, the Book Life chose me"

24 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday”

  1. The art of papergirls reminds me of the art of the graphic novel I’m currently reading called, The Best We Could Do, its such a beautiful book that is so well written and full of rich story that breaks your heart.

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    1. Oh goodness! Yes, I totally forgot The Best We Could Do! It’s on my TBR and I’m really looking forward to it. I would’ve never guessed that the artwork is similar to that of Papergirls, interesting & good to know😃 thank you for that bit of info 💕

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      1. It probably isn’t too similar since the stories are completely different, but the way the cover looks kinda reminds me of it, but really The Best We Could is so good! It makes me feel that more memoirs should be written in graphic novel format!

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      2. Ahh I see, you have def heightened my interest in The Best We Could Do. I was eyeing the cover 2 days ago & completely forgot to add it to my TTT 😕 smh lol. Whelp I’m going to keep a close eye on it since it’s out this March. A Graphic Novel based on an immigrant family def deserves my attention 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 that would be interesting if memoirs were written in graphic novel format 🤔

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    1. Saga is a weird space opera that you will either love or hate, I happen to love that odd little creation of Brian K Vaughan’s lol. Hughes’s I’ve heard of & want to see what the buzz is about 🤔hoping for the best lol 🙂

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    1. Wires and Nerve is beautiful inside with all of its different shades/hues of blue, I’m tempted to stop what I’m currently reading and devour it lol. BTW, not sure if you’ve heard of the GN Monstress by Marjorie M. Liu but it seriously has your name written all over it lol. Steam punk Vibes with a disabled female protagonist, I LOVED the 1st volume & eagerly await news of the 2nd *Squeee* haha!

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  2. Great picks for this week Lilly. I haven’t read many graphic novels myself, in fact the only one on your list I have on my to-read list is Wires and Nerves, but it’s a genre I want to get into more so I’ll definitely be checking some of these out and maybe adding them to my to-read list as well; especially the Marvel ones, I am a massive Marvel fan! 😀

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    1. Thanks Beth! Wires and Nerve is sooooOo pretty inside, I’m loving all of the different shades/hues of blue *heart eyes* Marvel has been releasing some pretty kick a** female lead graphic novels & I am here for it! I love Ms. Marvel which features a Pakistani female superhero. Hoping to love these other picks as well, Mockingbird looks promising & I’ve heard pretty good things. Black Panther’s 1st volume was written by Ta-Nehisi Coates who is well known in Literary Fiction. I’m excited to see diversity seep it’s way into graphic novels, it’s about time! *excited face*

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      1. That’s all right. I’m still waiting on my copy of Wires and Nerve to be delivered.I want it so bad and I am so jealous you already have your copy of it.
        Marvel do have some amazing female superheroes. I haven’t read any of the Ms Marvel comics before but I need to start. Ms Marvel in particular could count as part of my aim to read more diverse books this year as well so there’s that.
        Definitely about time we had more diversity in comics, and everywhere actually. 🙂


    1. awesome, I’ve discovered some pretty amazing graphic novels along the way. One that sticks out the most would probably be Monstress (Steam punk vibes with a disabled female protog), not sure why but I think you’d enjoy this one 😉


  3. I need to get something off my chest… I’ve never read a comic book ((waves from under rock)) The closest I’ve ever come to reading a comic is reading a few illustrated editions. I am not opposed to them, I just have never had the desire to pick them up… I’ve seen people rave about the Saga series though… I should make it a goal this year to read at least one comic!

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    1. lol that’s totally ok Amanda, but umm Saga is a weird place to start haha! It’s. It for everyone I’ll be honest, it’s a space opera with tons of weirdness & the occasional sexual pgs that I’m convinced are placed sporadically for shock value/humor. I’m a big fan of the artwork & the characters but I’ll admit it can get uncomfortable at times lol! Smh. One that I love but didn’t list because I’m up to date with is Rat Queens which you might enjoy. Last night I went to B&N to look for Kindred which I found but it was way too pricey, will try to find online. Also, March by John Lewis chronicles his life fighting discrimination through peaceful protest alongside MLK. I’ll DM you the trilogy photo 😉 the first volume has been sold out on B&N and Amazon.

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      1. Ahhhh thank you for the disclaimer lol Maybe I should start with the March series since it seems a little more my speed lol I was talking to Gretchen about my lack of comic book experience and she suggested reading some with my son and doing a kids’ corner post! Do you have any comic recommendations appropriate for a 10 year old?


  4. I’ve never read a graphic novel but I’ve been wanting to try them out! Thanks for this list! I’ll have to add some to the TBR and finally give graphic novels a try!


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